to future exchangers

 This is for anyone out there, who is thinking of becoming an exchange student, but has fear-related doubts:


I promise you, that when you're 70 years old, you won't look back and think "Oh I wish I didn't see the world as much as I did, I would've liked to stay home alone more." One day these will all just be memories and stories to tell, and what better way to make those stories, than to make friends all over the world and share the beautiful life with everyone:) 

A little information!

- my agency is called YFU and they're so much more than just an organization- they're a family!!

- the average exchange year is around 11 months, and it will go by SO FAST

-YFU has several events to make you feel more confident about going, and you will always have someone to talk to, to share your happy moments and have a shoulder to cry on if needed


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